What To Look For In An Influencer Marketing Agency
Recently, our friends over at Design Rush included us on their list of Top Influencer Marketing Agencies Of 2020 — and we’re proud to say that! Why? Because we’re big fans of this brand growth method. In fact, we use it quite often with our clients, and we’ve even mentioned it before right here on this very blog!
Gone are the days of the television spokesperson. The social media influencer, on the other hand, currently reigns supreme. That’s because many consumers are wise to the concept of marketing by now — it’s all just an attempt to get you to buy stuff, right? They’re more likely to trust the opinions of their friends and relatives before believing an ad that popped up in their feed.
To many people, social media influencers feel like friends. They show you their world through daily posts, behind the scenes looks, and video diary updates. You get to know their routines and see what other products they buy or brands they gravitate towards most frequently — fostering trust and eventually loyalty. So when an influencer recommends a product or service? Their followers take their word as gold, creating a steady stream of revenue for the companies promoted.
Influencer Marketing — like Amazon — is part of the current wave of digital trends that many brands are riding to the top of the eCommerce food chain. It’s making a resurgence as a saught after strategy (compared to it’s pre-2016 iteration). But not every business owner has the time to dedicate to this craft, especially not during a global pandemic that’s threatening to derail all your hard work. Don’t miss your chance! Hire experts to help you partner with the right influencers for your brand. How do you find the right agency for you? Keep an eye out for the following key factors:
1. They have a strong network of influencers
Was it Andy Warhol who said that one day we’d all get our fifteen minutes of fame? Yeah, we’re pretty sure he was speaking prophetically about the influencer. There are thousands, if not millions, of people online with a loyal fanbase. The problem with that? Partnering with the wrong page can end up costing you! What if their audience is not your audience? Ensuring that the agency you trust with this part of your marketing has a substantial and varied list of influencers from which to choose means more variety and a better chance of overlapping target demographics. Choose an agency working with a small pool? That’s just throwing good money after bad!
2. They track your data
The goal here is ultimately to grow your client base and increase conversions, right? Well, without data tracking, that’s almost impossible. Our motto here at SAMA Labs is that opinions are often wrong — but numbers don’t lie. By tracking them, you’re able to process what’s working and what isn’t and make adjustments accordingly. Watching those numbers like a hawk increases your chances for success by providing a clear roadmap to what your customers actually respond to so you can keep it going. If your agency is skipping this step? You’re wasting your time and money as a company.
3. They are quality communicators
Even under ideal circumstances, wires can often get crossed when it comes to communicating the right information. Misunderstandings are common in any working relationship, but too many of them can destroy your progress. It can be incredibly frustrating when agencies misinterpret your message or brand intentions. Be confident at the start of the relationship that you communicate well with the key players you’ll work with most often to ensure long-term success on both sides.
Ready to get started with influencer marketing with your brand? Design Rush already thinks we’re one of the Top Influencer Marketing Agencies Of 2020 — come see how we do marketing the right way! Call us today for a FREE consultation and watch your brand explode to the top.